Andy Duncan, co-creator of Spike’s reality series and founder of the legendary Bullrun rally, sounds off each week about the cars, the drivers and the drama. Also, as the judge of the "Bullrun Ticket to Drive Contest", Andy will pick one lucky driver to join him on Bullrun 2007: Montreal to Key West! Click here to learn how to enter.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Only two episodes are left now, so the pressure is really on. These teams have been on the road for weeks and no one wants to go home without the $200,000 prize.

This show really has been a test of character. The Olds Brothers have not made ANY friends on the rally, but they’re from Queens, baby, and they don’t care! Morgan has gone from a sweet, butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-my-mouth girl from Indiana to an anti-law-enforcement-crazed racer. She tells her Dad, “You yell at me again and I’m going into bitch mode.” Fantastic! Everyone one wants to win.

The Trans Am is first into the checkpoint so all the others are automatically in the Garage Challenge: F150 vs. Charger vs. Olds. The F150 boys make a respectable run… Jason can really drive the hell out of that beast. Team Charger‘s pumped, but they stall… get going again… and stall again. The altitude is affecting the car. It’s painful to watch and their time is over 3 minutes… disaster!

Trans Am finishes in first

Team Charger's pumped but they stall

Trans Am and F150 are happy to give the Charger boys a second chance at the challenge. But the Olds boys have to give their permission or else there’s the Charger’s stuck with their poor challenge time.

Suddenly everyone’s concerned about the Olds team, helping them out with their car, all to give the Charger another shot. Do the brothers fall for it? Hell no! Call it karma, kismet or just plain old payback… the Olds brothers STICK IT to the Charger boys!!! Andre says, “My mother told me don’t ever spit in the air… cause you never know where it will land.”

The Olds brothers stick it to to the Chargerboys!!!

In the next leg, it gets dirty. HOW CLOSE IS THIS GOING TO BE!?! Mike tells the brothers there’s only one Time Bonus and he’s got it. The Olds brothers may not be good navigators but they’re from NYC and they know bullshit when they hear it. Both the Charger and the Olds go for the Time Bonus and miss out — cause Team Trans Am snagged the only one. The Olds is low on gas and the Charger goes the wrong way. It’s unbelievable! The Olds literally runs out of gas and the brothers have to push it over the line.

On the leader-board, less than 3 minutes separate the Olds and the Charger.

The Charger is out. The Olds is in.

The Charger is out!

They’ve been called the Mario brothers, Dumb and Dumber, Chachi and The Fonz, you name it. But the boys in the Olds are still standing and they’re in it to win it.

Three teams fighting for $200,000 now. Past performance is irrelevant, one mistake and you’re out… who’s going to win?


Anonymous said...

I can't believe the Charger is gone!!!! I am so SICK of those pansy a$$ momma's boys from NY in the Olds. I thought it was really great the other teams were willing to let the Charger go again and I can't say I blame the other team for not letting them do it, but cmon! Someone needs to teach those boys some manners. Yeah it's Bullrun and anything goes, but even those two timing Alsops were willing to give the Charger another shot. Great run guys it was painful to see you go. Go Team Ford!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is I am sick to my stomach....I can't believe the Charger guys are gone. I really thought they were going to win.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I was rooting for the Charger. Now I'm rooting to see more of the Flag girls!! Go Team TransAm!!

Anonymous said...

I too was rooting for the Charger, simply because I liked the attitude/personality of those guys. They were true competitors!
I always root for the Trans Am (even more-so now)since A.) they are from Indiana, and B.) it's a PONTIAC!
Regardless, I've loved every minute of this show, and cannot wait until the next season (please tell me when to tune it!). Now, if I can just get my '66 GTO finished.....

PCD said...

Andy, some one on your crew must really be a "Pyro"! My eldest just graduated from USC's School of Cinema and Television. I think I see more FX on Bullrun than the students were allowed to do in a 4 year school career!

Now, back to the show since I don't really think Andy reads these replies.

Of the teams left, I don't like the Olds, and I'm not really happy with the portrayed performances of the other two teams. Since I'm a T-Bird owner I should be rooting for the truck. I've got a friend with a blown 5.4L in a T-Bird that will give the truck all it wants.

Next Saturday I'll be out roasting some GTPs in bracket racing in one of our Club clashes with the Iowa GTP club. This year we have a sponsor, Rock Auto. I guess we are moving up a level.

I guess I'll throw in with the truck. Looked like the Finish may be down by the Queen Mary in Long Beach.

Jim85IROC said...

I like Team Charger (Love the car) but frankly, they deserved to go. They threw Team Olds under the bus last week by pairing them against Team Lotus, and then this week they come looking for sympathy because they can't make their car run properly? Team Olds made the right decision, both from an ethical standpoint and certainly from a strategic standpoint. Go Team Trans Am!

Anonymous said...

I really, really wanted the Charger to win! My dad was rooting for the Olds! BOO! Chargers rock!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the Charger's gone! it's a piece of shit car! I'm rooting for the Trans Am! Go Trans Am!

Anonymous said...

Well I have to say being a true musclecar fan I was sad to see the Charger go. On the other hand they kinda burned there own bridge by feeding team OLDS to the lions on the last challenge. I agree with how team OLDS played this one, this is a competition remember & it's fend for yourself.

Anonymous said...

A couple of things. Someone had to go up against the Lotus last episode. Who would you put in that situation, someone who has regularly insulted you or someone that you get along with? Also, even though I am rooting for the Trans Am, the comment about even the Alsops were willing to give the charger another shot is kind of silly as they were not even competing in the challange so it didn't effect their time position at all.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how anybody can be on team Olds side right now. Somebody had to go up against the lotus and it just happened to be them, team Olds can't stand that it didn't happen their way. It was their choice on the challenge redo but they had to be pussies about it and hold a grudge for nothing. If their olds is as good as they say it is they should have let charger do it again. It's easy to talk with no competition huh.

Anonymous said...

ditto Jim85iroc. It didn't just happen to be the Olds against the Lotus in the challenge, the Charger boys put them there. Team Olds didn't owe them anything. The Olds boys acted crybabies on last week's show and squeezed through. The Charger boys acted like crybabies this week and went home. Beautiful car, tough luck -- and oh yeah, learn how to adjust your own timing for Pete's sake.

augustcjc said...

as much as i don't like the brothers, i don't blame them one bit for doing what they did. I mean you didn't see any one in the begining of the show when the mustang broke down or the lambo was having problems saying, "hey, since your car is not running right i think we should give you time to fix it and we'll just run that leg over agian ok?" hell no! it's called a race for a reason! I think that's a bunch of bull (no pun intended) for the ford and trans to gang up on them like that. If it were me i'd say screw you!

augustcjc said...

i would also like to add that this alliance crap is, well, just that. It's a bunch of CRAP! 200g's on the line! you bet your ass i'm in it for the money! No one made it to the top by kissing ass and making friends, it's cut throat!

tvlandman said...

I hate to see Team Charger go too! I was seriously wanting to see a perfect trinity of the Charger, F-150, and Trans-Am in the final three, instead of that crappy gas-hog Olds and the Italians who replaced the Mexicans as the worst navigators on Bullrun.

Anyway, check out my blog, as I spent a lot of time and thought in choosing my "Perfect" Bullrun Car! And it was a rather surprising choice at that!

Anonymous said...

Those charger boys are the biggest pieces of shit I have ever seen. How the hell do you claim sportsmanship when they put the olds against the lotus. A couple of dumb NY asses. so long idiots

Anonymous said...

EVERYONE saying they can't believe the NY brothers wouldn't let the Charger fix thier car and run again is nothing but a bunch a titty babies just like the charger guys - and the other teams that went and whined for them. Has anyone ever let a car have a do-over in a challenge? Hell no. Yeah, I was wanting the chargers to win too but calling the NY boys unsportsmanlike is just be whinny ass titty babies just like the rest of them. This wasn't the first time the charger stalled. Did they fix it? No. Did the NY boys work on their car problems? Yes. Charger Whiners deserve to go home.

Anonymous said...

How about the F150 hypocrite talkin crap about the Olds boys? saying he can sleep at night becuase he doesn't back stab people. Anyone remember his little video of the other teams passing him? Don't forget to remember what you've already done when you talk trash

Anonymous said...

I agree the mario brothers are nerving and wished they would of been out of the race by now instead of team charger, but even more I wish team f-150 would get a reality check, as in the damn truck just die on them for no damn reason, nothing against ford now just the driver and his all high and mighty texas stupidity. but thats texans for ya I guess. team trans am great move with the time bonus. alsops keep it up, if need be girl turn the bitch mode on full blast!!!!!

Anonymous said...

First of all the Charger guys did NOT whine. The other teams came to them and said they would be willing to let them rerun the challenge if the Olds would allow it. And furthermore that comment about the Alsops was not "silly". If the Charger had been allowed to rerun the course they would have nailed it and then gone on to the final three to win the whole thing so yes it WOULD have affected the Alsops. And the whole thing with the Lotus? The Olds had been talking crap about team Charger from the get go whereas the Charger guys were great stand up competitors. Someone had to go up against the Lotus why not make it someone you don't like? I'm not saying the Olds should have let them rerun the course. Hell it's bullrun and there's $$$ on the line. But they didn't have to get all high and mighty and self righteous.

Anonymous said...

I was rooting for the Charger too, because it's an awesome car. How can you have one and not know how to adjust the timing? I don't think the Charger boys whined, because they knew it was a competition, just like Team Olds. No one likes Team Olds, but they're the only ones who act like it's a race. They call it like they see it, and I respect that. The Alsops are just too shady to like, and Team Ford... that dude's a b!tch. He has a problem with someone every week. Guaranteed if Morgan Alsop wasn't a chick, he wouldn't care at all. At least Team Lotus had the balls to get up in his face when he video-taped them. Notice how the guy from Team Ford wasn't wearing his hair like the guy from Team Lotus this week? All that whining about alliances and sportsmanship... Screw that! $200,000 is on the line. In the end, it's a race and you can't have friends in it. Sorry, that's the way it is.

Anonymous said...

The Olds is the worst car especially the drivers. Nothing against NY, the drivers are just annoying. Hope they go out next,and the Trans Am kicks ass again. It's really representing Pontiac, and of course the LS1. It's awsome if it couldn't be a Camaro, my hats of to you team 09. Kick Ass.

Anonymous said...

who ever wrote the post on may 10 2007 at 7:17pm.....right on, well said

augustcjc said...

i think the TV producers push this whole "alliance" thing to boost ratings and make it seem more like a reality tv show. I bet ther will be BIG changes in next year's show.

Anonymous said...

I was glad to see team olds take out the charger they wanted to talk about sportsmanship when EVERYONE was scared of the lambo it was the ford trans am and the charger that put them in every challenge to wreak the lambo but when there car breaks they ask for a second chance PLEASE not to mind the olds have done the whole rally without have to pick a alliance to make it this far (execpt the one show where lambo and olds teamed up.but it didin't last long cause it slowed the olds down to stop for the lambo) now that's some bullrun BALLS.Or how about the ford filming the lotus and civic and then not even man enough to admit to it for them to turn around and cry about it it funny to me.At least the louts guys said they were slow on purpose and didint hide behind lies. I'd like to see the olds win but the trans am has been on top 4 a long time it's senceable to say they'll take the cake.

Eric Franklin said...

I think the best drivers in the game (skill-wise) were Mr. Alsop and Mr. Angry.

Morgan isn't bad - don't get me wrong - but her dad is one hell of a driver.

It's sad that the Charger is gone.

My money is on the Trans Am to win it.

Anonymous said...

i never saw this show before but just saw this episode and explored the site of all the initial contendors. the only thing more amazing to me than a generally poor choice of cars is the lacky of anyone that really seems to have any skill at driving. i would have picked the exige from the start. of the remaining i like the firebird as a car the most and the guy driving the f150 the most. in all honesty i think this competition would have been easily won by a guy in a stock sti with 1 season of an autocross under his belt. i suppose it would be "less interesting" of a show if you had people on with less drama and more skill though.

Anonymous said...

With one show to go, you've got to think.Who drives the balls off the truck every leg of the run,don't get time bonuses and still comes in first or second. Wake up ya'll. Team F150 is gonna WIN this ralley.GO TEAM FORD!

Anonymous said...

GO OLDS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!.
At this point in the race there is no do-over when 200G are on line. I cant believe the Other teams asked the Old's team for a do-over.

Anonymous said...

Stop sayin it was the Olds that screwed the Charger. It was the Firebird that screwed em. The Alsops were in first place with plenty of time to beat the Olds and F150 without the time bonus. They could have given it to team Charger and still have been the race. They knew that and they did it to take out the car left that could give them any competition. They play the game well and stay quiet. That is why nobody bitches about them.

Anonymous said...

:edit for above:
They knew that and they did it to take out the only car left that could give them any competition.

Anonymous said...

The ford guyz make me sick.They sucessfully screwed team's Civic and Lotus mind you they were speeding but I think all 3 of them were doing it.but to say they didint do it then they taped the civic and not the lotus BE A MAN AND OWN UP TO YOUR ACTIONS.Not to mention the sportsmanship comments coming from the ford is hypocritical but I just hope they LOSE trans am or olds the cow pie eatin texans dont get a dime

Anonymous said...

I am now pulling full speed for TransAM. This guy is in it to win, and not win for the money. This guy wants bragging rights and is ready to rock-n-roll.

Anonymous said...

Having just had a chance to catch the rerun of last week's show on Spike, I have to say, I take it back -- team Charger didn't act like crybabies, just the passenger in the charger did. The driver has been a pretty stand up guy from the beginning and it is too bad to see him leave, and take his awesome ride with him. Also, the comment that noted that the Alsops really screwed the Charger was spot on. If Mike and Morgan hadn't taken the time bonus they didn't need, the Charger boys would have been the next ones to arrive and claim it.

Anonymous said...

it was about time there was a winner hell yeah and those guys from the chargere u are a fake new yorkeres you are out!!!!

DonChappy said...

I pick them from the begining. Yea !!!!! Team Trans Am ...... YOU ROCK !!!!!!!! As for Team Olds.. well as they said 2nd place is a looser. Last week's charger loose, I guess I would have done the same thing. Mike played the game the right way, faking the time bonus was how the game is played, You all would have don the same... If you would have thought of it. The Mario brothers NY atitude is what made you all think they did so well ... Bull, they feel in to thier good luck. Did you see the looks on thier faces when Goldberg asked them if they spent the time fixing thier car or fixing the challenge time. Hey all of you need to check out youtube for Morgan and MrAngry show follow ups and They are both entered in the real BullRun. Go check it out.... NOW !!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the Alsops. Love him or hate him, Mike Alsop knew how to play the game. If the Charger boys had been there, the F-150 would have walked away the winner -- The teams would have had closer times going into the challenge and the F-150 would have eaten them all alive with that dirt road shortcut. All and all, this was a pretty fun to watch series even if it wasn't exactly what I expected going in. It will be interesting to see how, if at all, they change the rules next year.

DonChappy said...

Hey, I have a question ...... How, Do the brothers get acrossed the boarder with out a drivers lic.????????

Anonymous said...

#1.Congrats to the Alsops for the win.#2.The brothers got across the border because it's a tv show and they had a camera crew with them to back them up.#3. The Driver of the charger was not so bad but his buddy was a big a weiner as jason from the ford .but the driver is still stupid just cause he said Bullrun was an american rally.It was invented by 2 British guys Lookin foward to the next BULLRUN

Anonymous said...

to be honest I really enjoyed the bullrun. I am a die hard chevy man and wanted the trans am to win but in all honesty those charger boys got EXACTLY what those 2 punks deserved. Lotus vs. OLDS...yeah right im sure. Keep your heads up olds!!! Hell w/ that punk drivin the f-150. Nice job T-A.

Anonymous said...

You people are goofy. The Charger went up against that damn Lotus TWICE in challenges, It beat it both times.
The poor little olds had to go against the damn thing one time, BIG DEAL, if the car was as badass as the brothers claimed it was, they wouldn't have been whining about the challenge.

No Matter the challenge, mike and Jim stepped up and did what they had to.

Hell it took days for the brothers to figure out the car had a bad MASTER CYLINDER! I knew what was wrong with the POS when the started hasving trouble, when they were bleeding the brakes every ten hours! At least Mr Angry BELONGS to Mike, not his DADDY!

It didn't matter who the olds went up against, they were not gonna win, their time SUCKED. They were the slowest ones in the whole thing. Hell the truck had a better time.

Maybe the driver could learn to DRIVE rather than whine and bitch!

The Charger guys at least did their best every time without whining and complaining! Mike even said he respected the decision and he would have probably done the same thing.

Have you people even WATCHED the show?