Andy Duncan, co-creator of Spike’s reality series and founder of the legendary Bullrun rally, sounds off each week about the cars, the drivers and the drama. Also, as the judge of the "Bullrun Ticket to Drive Contest", Andy will pick one lucky driver to join him on Bullrun 2007: Montreal to Key West! Click here to learn how to enter.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

So, episode 5 eh? No highway today, everyone must go My Way to the
checkpoint in Winnemucca which is easy, the 80 all the way. Obviously the
getting lost record is held by Team Chevy; it takes them all of 30 seconds
to f**k up getting out of Reno.

Asking for directions...again

Because there are fewer teams now, strategy is essential - it will be
interesting to see who sticks blindly to relationships. Team Trans Am
has worked out their strategy: mess with anyone who gets in their way.

No one seems to be worried about the Honda boys who won both legs in the
previous episode, though Paris is annoying the hell out of everyone. Dirty
Rice pretends to sleep in the car to avoid arguments!

A bunch of the teams miss the turn for Winnemucca airport to keep focused guys!!!

In the challenge at the airstrip the teams are matched up - BMW vs Honda and Trans Am vs Lotus -- the Charger boys want Mike to drive the balls off the TA and Mike thinks it’s going to be “cake.” Again, this is a reasonably
straightforward test for the cars, but the pressure is starting to show. The
Lotus boys nail the challenge but Mike makes two passes at the challenge and misses. Morgan is humiliated.

Lotus rocks it in a super time!

Next up, Dirty Rice in the Honda rocks it. The BMW is next up Chuck is
obviously torn up about his uncle’s death but JR wants to push on. The
pressure gets to them; JR gets it all wrong and drives the front of the car
through the glass.

OUCH! There goes the front end

It just keeps getting worse for the BMW boys as they have a screaming match at each other after the challenge AND in front of all the other drivers.

It’s off to Elko, Nevada for the next leg. EVERYONE is concerned about their positions on the leaderboard it’s crazy, there’s only about a 13-minute spread between first and last.

You’ve got to be on your toes at all times. The Trans Am suddenly loses
it’s transmission line. By the side of the road, in the cold and dark Mike
becomes a legend and fixes it but gets transmission fluid in his eye in the process.
He makes up for that challenge failure earlier in the day and saves their place in the rally!

The teams know what’s at stake, they’re very close and everyone is edgy
heading into the finish. Dirty gives Paris the “come to Jesus” / “no one
likes you” speech thinking they’re definitely out of the rally.
Unsurprisingly, Paris doesn’t take it well. It’s not looking when they get
into the finish - the top 3 teams are the ones with the Time Bonuses.

Dirty gives Paris the "no one likes you" speech

The bottom slot is Team Honda but they get a miracle. Chuck from Team BMW has had to go home to be with his family because of the death of his uncle and JR decides to leave too and concedes his place to Team Honda, it’s a really moving moment and even Paris sheds a tear...