Andy Duncan, co-creator of Spike’s reality series and founder of the legendary Bullrun rally, sounds off each week about the cars, the drivers and the drama. Also, as the judge of the "Bullrun Ticket to Drive Contest", Andy will pick one lucky driver to join him on Bullrun 2007: Montreal to Key West! Click here to learn how to enter.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Only two episodes are left now, so the pressure is really on. These teams have been on the road for weeks and no one wants to go home without the $200,000 prize.

This show really has been a test of character. The Olds Brothers have not made ANY friends on the rally, but they’re from Queens, baby, and they don’t care! Morgan has gone from a sweet, butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-my-mouth girl from Indiana to an anti-law-enforcement-crazed racer. She tells her Dad, “You yell at me again and I’m going into bitch mode.” Fantastic! Everyone one wants to win.

The Trans Am is first into the checkpoint so all the others are automatically in the Garage Challenge: F150 vs. Charger vs. Olds. The F150 boys make a respectable run… Jason can really drive the hell out of that beast. Team Charger‘s pumped, but they stall… get going again… and stall again. The altitude is affecting the car. It’s painful to watch and their time is over 3 minutes… disaster!

Trans Am finishes in first

Team Charger's pumped but they stall

Trans Am and F150 are happy to give the Charger boys a second chance at the challenge. But the Olds boys have to give their permission or else there’s the Charger’s stuck with their poor challenge time.

Suddenly everyone’s concerned about the Olds team, helping them out with their car, all to give the Charger another shot. Do the brothers fall for it? Hell no! Call it karma, kismet or just plain old payback… the Olds brothers STICK IT to the Charger boys!!! Andre says, “My mother told me don’t ever spit in the air… cause you never know where it will land.”

The Olds brothers stick it to to the Chargerboys!!!

In the next leg, it gets dirty. HOW CLOSE IS THIS GOING TO BE!?! Mike tells the brothers there’s only one Time Bonus and he’s got it. The Olds brothers may not be good navigators but they’re from NYC and they know bullshit when they hear it. Both the Charger and the Olds go for the Time Bonus and miss out — cause Team Trans Am snagged the only one. The Olds is low on gas and the Charger goes the wrong way. It’s unbelievable! The Olds literally runs out of gas and the brothers have to push it over the line.

On the leader-board, less than 3 minutes separate the Olds and the Charger.

The Charger is out. The Olds is in.

The Charger is out!

They’ve been called the Mario brothers, Dumb and Dumber, Chachi and The Fonz, you name it. But the boys in the Olds are still standing and they’re in it to win it.

Three teams fighting for $200,000 now. Past performance is irrelevant, one mistake and you’re out… who’s going to win?

Monday, May 7, 2007

The official winner of The Ticket to Ride contest is the replica GTO. It was SO tough to decide in the end there is such a great collection and wide variety of cars that we drew out of the hat. Mr. and Mr's GTO, welcome to Bullrun….Start Your Engine!

Click here for more about the winner