Andy Duncan, co-creator of Spike’s reality series and founder of the legendary Bullrun rally, sounds off each week about the cars, the drivers and the drama. Also, as the judge of the "Bullrun Ticket to Drive Contest", Andy will pick one lucky driver to join him on Bullrun 2007: Montreal to Key West! Click here to learn how to enter.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

And then there were 3.

We’re down to the last episode and this has been one hell of a journey. 12 teams started 9 weeks ago with 4,000 miles ahead of them and 200 grand up for grabs. They fought, broke down, got back on the road, and now they’re very, very close to the moment of truth.

Prior to this episode to stay in the competition you had to make sure you didn’t come last and you could hang in there for another episode but now it’s different – with 3 teams left you’ve got to make sure you WIN to take the 200 grand. The form book goes out of the window now. Anything can happen.

As they set off on the first leg, it’s tense in the cars. And once again, the winner of the first leg gets to put the other two teams in a challenge.

It's tense in the cars

The Olds brothers take a risk and go to get their brakes bled. They know it’s going to cost them time but they’re gambling they can hand that time to whoever they meet in the challenge.

Meanwhile, the Trans Am and F150 get to the track first, and have to play the waiting game. Jason from F150 is pissed and comes out with a couple of classic quotes. “They could get lost in a paper sack” and “They needed to spend more time in the classroom rather than the tanning bay.” When Team Olds finally arrives, the time difference is over 2 hours… someone could be screwed, and there are no more time bonuses.

For the Bullrun Relay challenge, the cars are equally matched. On paper, the Olds should outperform the F150, but the guys still have limited brakes. This is making the guys really nervous. Both teams do really well, but Richard smokes the hell out of the Olds on the second leg of the really -- the F150 is stuck with the nightmare 2 hour time delay!

Richard smokes the hell out of the Olds on the second leg

It’s harsh on the F150 but that’s the way it goes, The Olds brothers have taken their chances, played by the rules and come out smiling.

The Olds has a full tank and the Trans Am needs to stop for gas… the F150 has found a cross country dirt road that’s saving a ton of time. When the F150 checks in with Team Trans Am, Mike and Morgan start getting nervous. But into Calexico it’s clear the F150 hasn’t been able to make up the time. Now it’s between the Olds and the Trans Am.

And… Team Trans Am wins it all.

Team Trans Am takes it out!

What a great performance from a high pressure team who have set the standard for much of the event. Mike doing donuts with his hands out of the car tell it all… the guy is happy!!!!

Smoke em up Mike!

Series II, here we come! Who’s next?


Anonymous said...

Great finish.Cant wait to see what they do next But what the hell are we gonna watch on Tuesday night now??

Anonymous said...

The Alsop's totally deserved to win. If Team Olds won, it would've been pretty unjust.

Mike Alsop did everything right and won with his DAUGHTER behind the wheel.


Anonymous said...

please correct me if i am wrong but i thought CELL PHONES were not allowed. did you see morgan on the cell phone. gee if i had a cell phone i would have been able to call anyone to direct me through MY WAY or should i call it the aslops oops alsops way everytime. maybe she even had a gps on it. whatever the case it seemed like everyone else always got lost even if it was only for 2 blocks the alsops have never got lost. makes me wonder if there was a FIX!

tvlandman said...

Well, I am glad that that the Alsops won, as they were frequently in the top 3 throughout the rally. They seemed to be a good team and they have a great car.

However, I'm pretty pissed at how the "Brothers" Richard and Andre screwed the F150 boys over. I think that was pretty damn dirty of them running up a 2 hour handicap to pass off on the F-150, even if it was to supposidly "fix their brakes". I feel certain there was an alternative motive to their strategy, and it was far worse than the "poison-arrow" time given to the Olds boys by the Lotus!

Then, these self-rightous bastards go on talking about how the Jason and Jake should have never brought the large F-150 to the rally, and how it just can't compete with the cars. Hello, dumbasses! They made it to the top 3, and frequented the top of the leaderboard throughout the rally. The truck was powerful, fuel-efficient, and had brakes, unlike their P.O.S. gas-hog Oldsmobile. If it wasn't for their dirty scheme of sandbagging, the F-150 would have been second and most likely first. And unlike Andre and Richard, Jason and Jake can find their way on a map. The Olds boys are some of the worst navigators of all time, one step up from Cesar and Raphael.

I'm just glad the Italians from New York didn't win. They didn't deserve the top three, and they didn't deserve number one. Had they won, I would have never watched this show again!

Anonymous said... For reference, here's a list of rules that drivers must follow for Bullrun on Spike TV:

1. No GPS or Satellite Navigation systems can be used.
2. No cell phones.
3. No laptop computers.
4. No radio or CD player.
5. Speeding = severe penalties. Arrest = disqualification.
6. Each start of day, cars can only leave when instructed to do so.
7. Cars must start and finish each day under their own power, or the power of their drivers.
8. Cars outside the maximum time allowed for each leg get picked up by the ‘reaper’ and towed – they’re then out.
just to follow up on the post i left here are the rules. the alsops should be stripped of the title. oh tv land man they are not italion they are Brazilians. stop the hate.

Anonymous said...

Overall it was entertaining and worth the watch. Wish we would have seen the final time standings/leaderboard clearly. I was wondering how close F150 came to shaving off the time handicap, and how far ahead the winners were. Gratz to the Alsops.

tvlandman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tvlandman said...

Anonymous #4

I wasn't "hating" the brothers for who they were, I was hating them for what they did.

And if they weren't Italian, then why the hell was everyone on the show calling them "The Mario Brothers"? That's the only reason I thought they were Italian. You stop hating.

tvlandman said...

Anonymous #5

I was wondering that too. According to what I saw, they didn't shave much time off at all. The other two times were like four hours and something, while the F-150's time was six something, still two hours off.

Anonymous said...

Ok tv land man dont get so angry the only thing you should do is try checking your sources and by the way what do you think of her on the cell phone that was against the rules do you think they deserve to win that way?

tvlandman said...

I didn't recall her being on the cell phone. Was that in this last episode? I have to go back over it and see. But if she was- and the rules state that no cell phones are allowed, then I suppose that would put them in the wrong. I don't know that disqualification is the appropriate punishment. Tough call. The producers are going to try to go how the fans want it to go, and I think that Mike and Morgan are the most favored by the fans

Anonymous said...

tv land man I respect your opinion how ever rules are rules we have to abide by them even if we do not like them. and she was on the phone in the last episode just as she was pulling in just as the father said chill out hang a left.

Anonymous said...

one more thing tv land she does have a gm car it may have onstar in it she could have activated it and been on the phone with them and if you have ever been on with them they can track your car and tell you everthing.

Anonymous said...

I’m pretty disappointed the Alsops won. Mike was such a meatball. What a wannabe gangsta! My favorite lines “Today’s a good day to die” and “hey that’s the way I roll”. Wtf??

And people rag on the brothers for supposedly playing dirty and getting their brakes fixed, what about Mike telling them there were no more time bonuses the week prior? It’s a contest for $200K not the Boy Scouts. They all did stuff like that.

The brothers (and the Charger) also competed right to the end in a car that is 30 years older than the Trans Am! I would expect the Trans Am to win based on the car alone.

I love tvlandman talking about the brother’s gas guzzler. Aside from the imports they are all guzzlers. Wasn’t that the point- to bring huge horsepower cars together for competition? It’s not the eco-challenge. And calling a 1 of 48, restored classic with 700 hp a POS is pretty weak. That engine alone is over $20K… Show them some respect. I had a hate on for the Charger guys but how can you put down their cars?

tvlandman said...

Is there anyone else on here with a name other than "anonymous".

I know their car is a rare machine. I know that it is worth a good bit (more so to them). I just don't know how well it was restored. After all, if that car was truly restored to its original condition, with a full, frame-off restoration, it would technically be a forty year old brand new car. This car had problem after problem. They had the brake problem, which after two hours at a shop only gave the car "marginal" braking power, they complained frequently that it wasn't running right and wasn't accelerating as well as it should, they complained on a few occasions that it wasn't handling well. Now, all I am saying is that either the Brothers aren't worth a crap as drivers, or they half-assed the restoration- thus P.O.S. .

What pissed me off is knocking the F-150, which yes, is newer and more general, but just as impressive to me, as here is a pickup truck keeping up and beating some of the best cars in the world. Trucks have come a long way from the days of Grampa's old stepside Studebaker on the farm. The F-150 did everything it was supposed to do, never gave Jake and Jason a bit of trouble, and ironically still got the best fuel economy of most of the vehicles in the pack. Fuel economy- in Bullrun- has nothing to do with being "eco-friendly". Rather, what I was saying is that the F-150 could go a lot longer between fill-ups, unlike Richard and Andre (and the Charger guys), who had to nearly pull into every gas station they saw to fuel up. This sucks valuable time away from them that others like the F-150, Firebird, and most of the imports didn't have to worry about. Bullrun isn't about brute horsepower, as they are many factors to consider- including fuel economy.

tvlandman said...

Let me add that they pissed me off when they knocked the performance of the F-150 after sandbagging and giving Jake and Jason a deadly time of 2 hours! Two F-in hours!! That is unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

tv land man you forgot me about the cell phone

Anonymous said...

I just watched that part with Morgan at the end when people think she was on a cell phone and she is holding her hand in a way that someone could hold a cell phone but it doesn't look like she is holding one. If you look back on all the episodes you can see that Morgan is always putting her hair behind her ear and I think that time that's what she did but then just left her hand there.

Anonymous said...

tv keep lookin when they drive up to the finish line she folds it in her right hand as her father gets out and then when she hugs rich it is in her right rear pocket

Anonymous said...

so do you agree if she has a cell phone that it should be an issue?

Anonymous said...

After watching that whole last part with Morgan and the alleged cell phone, you can't see her folding anything up or holding anything that even remotely looks like a cell phone. Remember, this footage is not being aired live and had to undergo weeks of editing where someone watched every last minute of the footage. If an editor thought there was a cell phone they would have called a producer. I'm sure the network and all the producers decided there was no problem regarding cell phone usage or this would not have aired like this.

tvlandman said...

I saw something, but I just can't tell what it is. Very suspicious. It does sorta look like a cell phone. I'm still not sure. The video is too dark and too short.

As far as the Trans-Am having ON-Star, I think that it is an older model produced before On-Star, but I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

i sorta think that any model car 2000 or later would (or could) have some sort of on star built in but the producers would have made sure it was disabled before the rally started.

and whoever said that morgan had a phone in her back pocket as she was hugging rich it looks more like that little camera she has.

Anonymous said...

i understand the blogs about justifing what morgan has in her hand if it is your team i respect that but it is such a great show i would hate to see it ruined how ever i did not set the rules and if that is a cell phone then the alsops hopefully love the show also and admit it. remember it is the show i am looking out for not who winsand please tell me what you think should be done if it is a cell phone. dont forget who knows how long they have had the cell?

Anonymous said...

don't you think everyone would of had to give up there cell phones at the start of the show? and if that's what happened then they wouldn't even be carrying a phone on them unless they have two cell phones (i doubt it). they knew the rules when they started, they knew that there were camera's in the car and following them and pretty much everywhere watching their every move so why would they risk it knowing it could mean disqualification? i think they were smarter than that to risk having a cell phone on them while driving especially.

Anonymous said...

FYI about the time question. F150 beat team TransAm by about 17mins on the last leg. So if not for losing the challeng the F150 boys would have won. So team olds set up team TransAm for the win. It was a great show and I wasnt sure who was going to win until the leader board. It would have been crazy if TransAm lost 200,000 because Morgan was waiting for change from the 100 dollars.

Raleigh NC

Anonymous said...

tvlandman is an IDIOT! The brothers werent sandbagging they were fixing their car. Team Lotus was sandbagging. Dont be pissed off cause your boyfriends got knocked out. The only way the F150 was "keeping up and beating some of the best cars in the world" was by having a gas tank that was twice the size of anyone elses.

That truck never did out perform a single car in any challenge, or in any way at all. The only way they beat the Lambo is because the Lambo boys over drove the car and spun it out. After that an old lady in a cadillac could of beat em.

Had the Texas boys brought a vehicle that was made to compete in these type of events they may have won the challenge and the brothers would have kept their time.

Anonymous said...

First, LOVED the show. Can't wait for season 2. Anyway -- we've got lots of questions:

1: When the producers say "no highway leg", then how come it looked like the Alsops were running on the highway most of the final leg? I'll assume the producers provide each team a list of what roads they *can* and *can't* drive on for each leg. I'd love to see a logistics rule list beyond the "no cell phone, no GPS..." list.

2: We're totally confused about the final times. At the end of leg 1, the Alsops were 7:08 ahead of 2nd place. At the end of leg 2, the Alsops finished behind the brothers but the final time had them at over 9 minutes ahead. Can anyone explain how the finish times are calculated?

Eric Franklin said...

I think the F-150 was a great vehicle to compete in "this kind of rally" - the Bullrun isn't about having the fastest or most maneuverable car in the race. The "no speeding" rule sees to that!

Bullrun is about proving that you can get from Point A to Point B by the most efficient route.

The challenges between legs were to allow the winners of the first leg to mess with the losers a bit. Until Team Lotus did their "Poison Arrow" bit, there usually wasn't a huge span between first and last places - certainly a small enough difference that a skilled navigator could easily overcome whatever you hit them with.

Team F-150 was consistently in the top three. One time, and I'd say it was a fluke (like Team Honda), twice is a coincidence - but every week, F-150 was at the top of their game.

I suspect they didn't get thrown into challenges for two reasons:

1) They were at the top of the leaderboard. When they weren't Top Two, the leaders forgot that the race wasn't about speed, but skill - they were more afraid of more nimble cars at better starting positions for lap 2 than they were of F-150 (Big mistake)

2) They made a couple of good alliances early, and stuck with them. When F-150 wasn't Top Two, frequently one of the other alliance members was. This protected F-150 from having to participate in challenges.

I expect that, for Season Two, we'll see a few rules changes and a shift in strategy. I hope we see another pickup truck or two in the mix (Maybe a Toyota or Chevy this time).

Anonymous said...

Tvlandman's an idiot? Big words from someone with such small balls. Say, if you're such a tough guy, why don't actually come up with a screenname, using "other", instead of hiding behind the "anonymous" feature.

Finally, someone else here with a screenname! Thank you, gametyme, for being yourself! I'm glad to finally find someone else on here that thinks the same way I do. I sorry, folks, I'm just not impressed with the Hurst Olds (and for that fact, any Oldsmobile in general. I was most impressed with the Lotus, and I thought that it was the best car in the pack. Unfortuantly, the Lotus' drivers were the worst in the world- as between their nearly constant fighting, ass-hole behavior, and cocky attitudes, they were some of the worst navigators in the rally, as they couldn't find their way out of a WET paper sack. The Lotus was the best car out their, but just deserved better drivers. Despite the bias by some ignorant people here, the pickup truck did quite well for itself. It may or may not have one any challenges (I can't remember), but typically it was beaten on average by a few seconds. The fact that the truck and it's drivers made it to the tope three says something. I think Jason and Jake made the right decision with the truck.

Here's to more muscle trucks in season 2! Maybe a Ford Lightning, or a Dodge Ram SRT-10.

Anonymous said...

On-Star was never available on an F-body (Firebird, Trans-Am, Camaro, Z/28).
And I'm glad the T/A won. Not only is it American, but it's a Pontiac. Not only is it a Pontiac, but it's a Trans Am. Not only is it a Trans Am, but it's a WS6. Not only is it a WS6, but it's a 2002. Just like the one I have parked in my garage. Except mine is yellow and a LOT more rare.

The Norris Family said...

Absolutely great show Andy...
Now finish the Real Bullrun and get cracking on Season 2...

Please put me in Season 2....

Cheers from Canada , eh!


Great show.Glad Team Trans Am won.
Cant wait for Season 2.

Unknown said...

Hats off to the Alsops, they ran a great race!

What I want to know is how do I enter for the next one?

Anonymous said...

The Alsops deserved their win. In case some of you didn't notice every one cheated a little bit here and there. They weren't penalized unless they were caught. Besides them winning just makes their story even better. Read the article on them in High Performance Pontiac. It tells all about how Morgan got the car.

Anonymous said...

wow. what a finish. i was on the end of my seat hoping that i wouldnt have to smash my tv if the brothers in the olds won!!! congrats to the Alsops for a job well done. they were my favorite right from the start. also job well done to the guys in the f150. that is an awsome truck. tv is going to be boring on tuesdays again!! again congrats to mike and morgan and i loved the way mike drives that thing. will it ever turn on!! thanks you such a great show spike.

Anonymous said...

Love the show but also saw the times posted and the TA declared the winner when they came in behind the Olds, yet the time showed they gained time on the Olds, from 7+ minutes when leaving Chandler, AZ to at the finsh line they won by 9 minutes? how does the final time showing the TA won by over 9 minutes make sense when they finished 2nd to the Olds at the end?? How do you gain time by finishing 2nd? For the times shown to be right the Olds would have had to get a penalty somehow or are they counting total times for the entire rally! The TA did came in first many times, so couldve had a larger lead then the 7 minutes showed before the final run for the border?

BTW--I didnt see a cell phone either re-watching the final episode today and hitting the slow motion where it looked like she had something in her right hand but she was clearly just playing with her hair, as nothing was in her hand! I had taped the last episode so clearly could rewatch it over and over!

Also I live in AZ and when they say no highway they mean there isnt a freeway the entire route and going to Calexico from Chandler there is alot of freeway, but not all the way, you have to use other roads!

Anonymous said...

I also have questions about the final results seeing the Olds finsh ahead of the Trans Am yet the time showing they lost time to the TRans Am team on the final leg?

All in all fun episodes to watch so hope the rerun some of them as I missed some??

Anonymous said...

The show was very manipulative with the editing. Since the teams had their times posted on the Sonic Leaderboard, you could actually keep track of who actually arrived in what order, instead of letting the editors switch the teams around to create the most dramatic experience. Team F150 lost by over 2 hours, they knew they had lost, but the show still built it up like they might pull it off. Someone posted earlier that Team F150 chose the right vehicle. Apparently they didn't, or they could have won. Perhaps the truck was a good highway cruiser, but it lost consistently on the challenges, which isolated the truck and showed it's true colors.

What I want to know is why Mike never drove on the road? Morgan performed well.....for a spoiled snotty brat. She was really irritating me at the end. But for the Alsops, alls well that ends well.

Anonymous said...

Good show... Hopefully theres a 2nd one, I'd love to get my SVT Lightning in on the action.

Unknown said...

The show was great & please do a second season !!

And no stupid chicks this time, get some real chicks in there who can DRIVE !! ( like me :) )

gear grinders express said...

the brothers just plain sucked is all, gotta be more from where they came from that are tring to defend them so bad, as for the olds itsself it IS a p.o.s. so what if its a 1 in 48, olds just suck. as to the alsops and this cell phone deal, ok strip them of the titel but go back then and find out where the f150 would of been stuck at as they did the damn video of the 2 teams speeding, f150 was doing 80 mph them selfs, so hell they might of been out of the race weeks ago, and dont say you can go 5-15 mph over and its ok, if your gonna say rules are rules then the speed limit is the speed limit!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was fairly confident that after the F150 beat the Murcielago in the challenge ($200,000 worth of car won't make up for the fact you suck at driving), that Bullrun would come down between the F150 and the Trans Am (at least). Mike Allsop's navigation was spot on and Morgan kept the wheels on the road. They had the car to keep it together in the challenges too.

The biggest problem with the F150 that despite having nearly 300 Horsepower the truck is about 2000 pounds overweight. This SEVERELY hurt it in the challenges. Maybe next season get a team with a Lightning to show everyone what performance trucking is all about. Either that or a Superduty Diesel, my 2000 F250 Diesel is faster than a newer F150. Better fuel economy to boot.

One thing I got to knock team F150 for though, that whole busting the Lotus and Civic for speeding was in serious bad taste.

I also really can't fault the Olds guys for doing what they did.

I hope Spike does another season of Bullrun because this was an excellent show.

Anonymous said...

I don't see how anyone can say that the F150 didn't belong in Bullrun. Hmmmm they made it into the top 3, beat out faster, smaller, more exotic cars, and consistently came in close to the top in most of the legs. If anyone didn't belong there it was those a-holes from NY in the Olds. If they hadn't sandbagged (and they did there's no denying it) and given the truck the crappy time the truck would have won for sure. They didn't appear to be having any brake trouble that I coudl see. I thought it was pretty great the way the Texas guys were still nice to them at the end and told them there were no hard feelings. Just goes to show you how nice us Texans can be!
I really really enjoyed the show. Tuesday nights are going to be so empty now.

tvlandman said...

I agree michele and gear grinder! These self-rightous truck haters just don't get it. They just can't help but to see pickups as bulky workhorses- belonging to carpenters, farmers and rednecks. Fortunately, there are others who are smarter, and realize the vast market for truck performance. I mean, think about it, what other vehicle can you get with V8 power, in a rear-wheel drive format. Aside from the few performance cars still made (like the Mustang, Corvette, Charger, and a small handful of others), the majority of cars today are front-wheel drive, fuel sippin' four-bangers. The days of the muscle car are over. With trucks like the Lightning, the Dodge SRT 10, and regular, modified pickups (like Jason's )muscle TRUCKS are here to stay.

I really don't understand why some people were mad at F-150 for blowing the whistle on Lotus and Honda for speeding. Team Lotus was a couple of jerks, who deserved elimination long ago. Lotus and Honda were cheating-plain and simple. I would have done worse if I was following the rules and a couple of jackasses sped past me. Team F 150 were justified in their action, and when you are in it to win, you have to compete any way possible. And then, Team Lotus was still busting their chops even after the F-150 was stuck with the Lotus' time after losing the challenge AND busting up their truck. Lotus was still in the top two. They had nothing to be mad at. Jackasses.

And as much as I was rooting for the Charger, I don't blame the Olds boys for not allowing the Charger guys to do a make up. That was a smart strategy on their part. However SANDBAGGING by screwing around with the brakes on that P.O.S. for TWO HOURS was not fair, and a very dirty strategy.
You can't tell me they were justified by "fixing their brakes". Goldberg gave the F-150 guys time off the clock to fix the damage to their truck, and I am sure the Olds boys would have been giving the same courtesy had they asked for it- instead of running up a ridiculous time which should have resulted in some sort of penalty.

Anonymous said...

I would first of all like to say thank you for all of your support throughout the show! My dad and I had a blast on the rally and I would do it again in a heart beat.

Lets clear a couple of things up here (anonymous maybe next time you will grow a set and state your name):
1. No cell phones were not used. The object in my back pocket when i was hugging Rich was my MIC (battery pack) that I had to wear all day everyday for the show!
2. I am sorry that you have that much time on your hands to come up with insane reasons as to why my dad and I won. I am sorry if you aren't happy with the outcome, but you don't have to make things up to justify why you think we won. You are too funny!

I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be on the show and I enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you to all who supported me and my father. Best of luck to those who are in season 2! I can't wait to watch you all kick some butt!

tvlandman said...

Hey Morgan!! Congratulations to you and Mike. It's nice to see someone from the show come on here and talk.

You know, I forgot that you were all wired. If any of these "anonymouses" would have watched "The Jerry Springer" show, they would have realized that these wireless microphone units are typically cliped to the back pocket.

Tell me, how did you find out about the contest that became Spike TV's "Bullrun" ? Was it through Car Domain, an email from out of the blue, or a curious internet search for casting calls? I would love to do this myself.... (I think?).

Anonymous said...

tvlandman...I found out about bullrun on craigslist when I was looking for a job. There was a post for a father/daughter team wanted that has the need for speed and drives a fast car. I felt like my dad and I would be perfect! So I signed us up as a joke and then a month later we were filming the show. It was all pretty cool. I would do it again in a heart beat.

Anonymous said...

That's cool, Morgan. I hope I run across an opportunity like that one day. When do you run in the real Bullrun (or has that already happened)?

Anonymous said...

Awesome win Alsops .. The top 3 in the race all American!!! Just like seeing a father and daughter team win... all American.. all the way.. USA is in it to win it!!

Anonymous said...

I really hope that was Ms. Alsop on here and not some really cruel person playing a trick. Can't wait for next season to see how they will top this one.

Anonymous said...

This seems to be an all around do I find out how to enter for the next season? I've got an '05 stage 3 Roush that I think would be perfect...nice and reliable w/a lot of power. Thanks.

gear grinders express said...

ok its nice to see all these sweet azz cars wanting to get in on next season but remember ppl, you dont need all that power, just a every day car thats reliable and can do the speed yea right

gear grinders express said...

morgan we loved you and your dad good job, hope next season has a team like you two, but in case you two do something like this again please think about securing him IN the car during the leg runs so he wont be jumpin out to talk with the cops...he might get you both thrown in oh yeah and aside what he says we dont think you need to grow any balls!!!! lmmfao

Anonymous said...

I read the list on what you can't have...anybody know anything about radar detectors being allowed? That might help w/the no speeding thing...just a bit anyway!
The good thing about the Roush is it's incredibly reliable...i've had it up and down the east coast and to the midwest and back more than once w/no problems what so ever. My other question is about the location people are you have to be from the West? I don't know much about the show...just started getting in to it so sorry for the *duh* kind of questions here...

Anonymous said...

"Millions and millions of dollahs"