Andy Duncan, co-creator of Spike’s reality series and founder of the legendary Bullrun rally, sounds off each week about the cars, the drivers and the drama. Also, as the judge of the "Bullrun Ticket to Drive Contest", Andy will pick one lucky driver to join him on Bullrun 2007: Montreal to Key West! Click here to learn how to enter.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Welcome to Bullrun Episode 7 sports fans! So the Mexicans went home and it’s a blow to the whole set. Everyone loved those guys and they had a great attitude. But that’s the way it works… it was so close between them and the Dodge Charger.

We had a day off the day before so I went to SEMA to see our friend Claus at his CEC Wheels party and to go to the Scion party. Flew in at 7pm, out at 5am. No sleep, partying all night, and back to Bullrun for a full day of filming! Salt Lake City to Moab, Utah. Night drive baby!!!

F150 and the Lotus are now in an all-out war now. They want each other out so badly! Lots of dad/daughter tension in the Trans Am. Mike even tells Morgan to grow some balls!! To add to the tension, they get pulled over by the Po-Po… for having their full lights on!! They get lucky and get away quickly although Morgan is ready to take the Police head on. The Utah police are not popular.

Pulled over by the police

Team Lotus comes up with a great bit of strategy: post a really, really slow time on an upcoming leg of the rally so when they beat someone in a challenge the time they swap over is literally a death sentence… the money is getting closer now and everyone has their eye on it.

The Careening Cargo challenge is tricky, having to stay at a decent speed within the moving rope zone AND avoid those boxes, not easy. Add into this the fact they’ve all had to drive through the night, every second counts and, oh yeah, there’s 200 grand on the line. We’re wearing them right down to the bare bones. The Charger boys win out against the F150, and the Lotus just cannot be beaten.

The Careening Cargo challenge is tricky

The Lotus just cannot be beaten!

Strategy is becoming SO important. You have to be smart to win this rally. Mike and Morgan get an extra gas can and fill it up. It’s obvious the Honda guys will have to go for a time bonus to make up time, but because no one knows how much they’re worth (or how many there are) it’s a major decision now.

Meanwhile, the Olds and the Charger find themselves on a road we were terrified to drive on during the day when we scouted the show. The road is super steep, rocky as hell, and the drop to the right is thousands of feet… with no guard rail anywhere. These guys are seriously crapping themselves but they make it through.

Just 24 minutes separate 1st and 6th place, with the 7th place team way behind a further 19 minutes. It’s between the Lotus and Honda… and the Honda goes out. They already got bailed out once by Team BMW’s forfeit, but they lost out on today’s challenge and didn’t go for a time bonus. They had the chances, but they’re going home.

Team Honda leaves the Bullrun Rally for good


The Norris Family said...

Great show but, Clarification "bright lights" by the police. If you have your High Beams on and nobody is around what's the problem?

Cops got problems with seeing where your going?

PCD said...


Many jurisdictions take excessive high beam usage as a problem. I got pulled over in Iowa once because my Super Coupe did not display a front tag. It never had since it was purchased in Iowa in 1990 and this was 2004!

Some jurisdictions you get pulled over for being 1 or 2 MPH over the limit. My ex-wife got nailed in Floyd County, Iowa, passing a farm truck and doing 1 MPH over the speed limit.

Ever get pulled over in SoCal for doing only the speed limit? I could talk about the CT cops, too.

PCD said...

Andy is lucky to be able to get in SEMA. I understand that it is not open to the public. I think it should be, but I don't make the rules.

I wonder if Andy mapped out any routes in AZ or New Mexico. I haven't tried driving south of I-10 in AZ or south of I-40 in NM. Kind of desolate. Not a place to break down or run out of gas.

I enjoyed the Mexicans, too.

Well, on Entertainment Tonight there is supposed to be a piece on the Anna Nicole Smith movie my daughter is working on. I'm hoping she gets some air time. The art department people on productions get precious little recognition publicly.

Anonymous said...

OK, so here it is. The F-150 is going to win the whole damn thing. Based on one fact, they were in 2nd to last after the 1st leg and then on 3rd at then end. What the hell is that. How do you let that happen people. If they can do that with ease they should win the race. Plus the trucks range is much greater then everyone wlese even if they are getting gas tanks and filling them up it still takes time to pull over and pour it in. And lets face it folks, seconds matter at this pint of the game!!!! Go F-150!!!!

PCD said...


The truck has a huge bullseye on it. Jason pissed off the other drivers. Watch the Lotus sandbag to get in a challenge. Watch the winner of the first leg put the Lotus up against the Truck to get rid of the Truck.

subwayjarrod said...

love the show...came right by my salem or. we will miss the Chevy boys...your right great attitude and NEVER one cross word between the two..(that we saw anyway) true nice guys...they need there own show!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great show. But one gripe. I don't mind cursing. I curse like a m*fr myself all the time, but watching the show is like this:

"Dude *BEEP* you *BEEP* turn at the *BEEP* and *BEEP* hate that *BEEP* gas *BEEP* pee in the *BEEP* bottle and I *BEEP* love you *BEEP*"

I'm really watching it for the cars and the babes. Sometimes the fights inside the cars are funny, and the cursing isn't bad. It's honest. But listening to *BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP* the entire show is getting distracting. Actually, it's getting a little painful. Maybe you guys could make it just go silent on the curse words.

Thanks guys. Love the *BEEP* show.


Next season, there should be a 2 curse-word per minute rule. Give a time penalty for anything above that.