Andy Duncan, co-creator of Spike’s reality series and founder of the legendary Bullrun rally, sounds off each week about the cars, the drivers and the drama. Also, as the judge of the "Bullrun Ticket to Drive Contest", Andy will pick one lucky driver to join him on Bullrun 2007: Montreal to Key West! Click here to learn how to enter.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The elimination of the Scion girls was a shock and everybody is paranoid
about who's going to be next. The filming in Idaho really took a toll
because of the freezing conditions ­ so even though it's not exactly warm in
Seattle, it's a welcome relief. We have a day off from shooting so David
and I decide to hit the town. As usual, I'm leading the charge and it gets
ugly. It's Sunday night but I still manage to drink too much and do my
"running man" dance at a hip-hop club. Like I said, ugly!

When we get to the start line in Seattle, our Noble M12 is running like a
dream but there are rumours about the status of Team Lambo's clutch Jeff
claims that it's slipping but the other teams are beginning to think he's
sandbagging. After all, when there's this much money at stake people will
pull all kinds of tricks.

When the teams leave Seattle they must take the ferry ­ which was David and
my idea. We frequently include ferries on the legendary Bullrun rally
because something interesting always happens. One year we had a leg that
included 1,000 hardcore miles in twelve hours and an overnight ferry. Some
of the guys drove up to the dock as the ferry pulled away and sank to their
knees (half of them were actually crying.) We were drinking on the deck and
waving to them. They had to wait 24 hours for the next one.

True to form, the Chevy boys screw up ­ they keep talking about their
'relentlessness² but these guys couldn't find their way out of a paper bag
and they miss the boat. All they had to do was follow Team Charger, it's
unbelievable! And where do I begin with Team Olds?! I mean even the
tollbooth woman knew where they were supposed to be going. These guys are on
crack but make us laugh and seem to have that extra bit in the tank to pull
themselves up the grid every day.

The Bus on a Rampage Challenge is a total blast ­ the heat from the flames
is insane! It's good to see the teams start using the challenges
strategically in terms of the match ups.

The SSC "Challenge Car" shows everyone how it's done.

The F150 boys deliberately put the Lambo guys in the challenge to see if
they'll cook their clutch against Team Honda. Morgan from Team Trans Am
says she's putting the Lotus in the challenge to "see what it's got" but it
smells more like gamesmanship. The Lotus is definitely going to be a threat
in the rally.

The Lotus was made for this kind of challenge.

However, the Charger absolutely nails it under pressure and takes the Lotus'
third place spot. The Charger boys are a great team -- Jim shouts
directions constantly as Mike maneuvers the car back and forth perfectly.

The Charger just kills it.

Putting the Lambo in the challenge backfires on the F150 because the Civic
boys screw up again by hitting the bus! To add the insult, the Lambo guys
start doing donuts in the car despite their 'damaged² clutch. Everyone is
sick of their antics. Is the clutch really a problem? It might be fine or
even a double bluff. I have no idea, nobody does. The mind games are
definitely starting to work on the other contestants.

Clutch problems? Maybe not...

Speaking of games, dad and daughter in the Trans Am aren't as innocent as
they seem. They are supposed to be in an alliance with the F150 but go for
the time bonus without telling them. Then they make a secret pack with Team
BMW to keep quiet about how they found the time bonus very interesting.

At the elimination it's down to the Chevy and the Nissan. Luck is on the
side of Team Chevy. I kind of feel sorry for the Nissan boys, Jeremy and
Eric; they built that car from a shell and now they are sent packing back to
Colorado. That's Bullrun, you never know what's going to happen ­ bottom
bearings on the motor went out what are the chances of that??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.